How to Act on Instinct

Southwest Airlines is in the transportation business, right? Nope. Not quite. According to Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly, Southwest Airlines is in the hospitality business. Last week, I had the privilege of attending a small group session of national thought leaders where we were encouraged to ask him “anything we wanted.” The

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Working with a Gossip

When we talk about gossiping and spreading rumors, we often think of people with nothing better to do. Surprisingly, research supports the fact that workplace rumors are usually true. But work drama caused by gossiping and “stirring the pot” is common and expensive as I discuss in this recent FOX

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Negotiate to Great without Saying Anything

Have you ever had something really exciting happen and were at a loss for words? Last week this happened to me and here’s what I’d like to say… The words “thank you” are an appropriate response in almost any situation. Expressing gratitude elevates the mood of conversations and makes you

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How to Win in the Leadership Fishbowl with Wintegrity®

I’m normally not a March Madness fan. However, this year my alma mater Texas Tech University made it to the Elite Eight (very exciting!). One thing I loved was Tech’s coach Chris Beard’s response to the media attention. He didn’t take all the credit for the Red Raider wins and

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How to Shake Your Nerves When Negotiating

Last week I went to return a pair of pants. A sign at the store’s checkout counter read, “No refunds without receipt.” The stakes weren’t high. I could always donate. But I wanted a return. While standing in a long line, I felt like I was breaking the rules. My heart rate increased. Surprisingly,

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What is Your Negotiating Style?

Do you ever go to a meeting or social event and feel like you don’t fit in? I can feel that way when I’m around people who are more detail-oriented and technical in their thinking. Monthly I meet with a group of professional women called the “Diamonds” which is short for

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Be a Polite Disruptor – I Double Dog Dare You!

Excuse me. May I bother you for a quick question? Have you ever had someone ignore you or act like you are an inconvenience? Does that type of response shut you down? Or do you see that behavior as a challenge?  I chose to interpret someone’s dismissal as a “double dog

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What Are You Afraid to Ask For?

The most surprising result when doing the research for my new book, Ask Outrageously! The Secret to Getting What You Really Want, was the requests people won’t make.  In the short video below I discuss the #1 thing people are afraid to ask for in their personal lives. People would rather ask to borrow money than

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Are You Showing Up Powerfully?

Ever feel like you have two left feet especially when it comes to making a great first impression? I sure did the other day when I discovered I put the left shoe of two different shoes in my bag. What would you do? I thought of two possible options: present in the

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Are You Making Smart Asks?

If you traveled this summer then you probably saw impatient people. Last week my fellow travelers and I watched someone become aggravated and even rude to our flight attendants. He loudly complained his “frequent flyer status” hadn’t provided him with the seat he wanted. The airline employee replied, “Sir, when

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