Linda Swindling is your go-to negotiation speaker for keynote presentations and workshops. A former attorney and mediator, Linda’s engaging presentations are based on original research and more than 20 years of experience. You won’t hear anecdotal or intangible theories based on books she read. Instead, Linda delivers negotiation strategies which work in the real world environment. Linda customizes all of her presentations to meet your needs.
Keynote Presentations
ASK Outrageously!
The Secret to Getting What You Really Want
Suggested Audience: Corporate, Government, Associations, Leaders, Sales Professionals, Service Providers, Tech Companies, Women, and more
Format: Keynote or Workshop

Do you ask for what you want? Or, do you simply take what you’re offered?
There is magic in asking. The strongest friendships, top sales teams, and most successful businesses have one thing in common – courageous people who feel the fear and still ask for what they want. People who achieve the best results are people who know how to ask outrageously. In this presentation, Linda Swindling shares tactics and strategies which help people show up powerfully and ask for what they really want. She’ll show how to spot opportunities, communicate effectively, and create outrageously great outcomes. Team members and their leaders will know how to negotiate the best deals at work and in life with confidence and integrity.
After attending, participants leave with strategies to:
- Turn negotiations into a conversation instead of a confrontation;
- Show up powerfully and communicate effectively so that others will listen;
- Reach winning results with integrity and confidence;
- Create significant connections with key people and attract support for their ideas; and
- Make confident decisions and embrace strategic risk taking.
DEAL Courageously
The Secret to Negotiating and Influencing Those You Lead
Suggested Audience: Corporate, Government, Associations, Leaders, Sales Professionals, Service Providers, Tech Companies, Women, and more
Format: Keynote or Workshop

More than ever, leaders must know how to effectively negotiate in order to be successful. When you think about it, much of a professional’s day is spent negotiating: hammering out the terms of a deal, controlling costs, solving clients’ problems, and working with other departments. For some, negotiation can look like asking for additional headcount, mediating workplace drama, and negotiating change in the organization. For you, negotiation may mean influencing key decision makers and being recognized for the value you provide. Leadership is a constant negotiation.
In this presentation, Linda shows you how to become a better negotiator and leader through research-backed tactics and proven strategies that work in real life. From her experience in the courtroom and the boardroom, Linda inspires others to look at negotiations as a conversation rather than a confrontation. She equips high-performing leaders with the tools they need to help attract support for their ideas.
After attending, participants leave with strategies to:
- Harness the power of positive influence, persuasion and negotiation;
- Negotiate for the push and pull for resources while building win-win-win partnerships with stakeholders;
- Avoid over-committing and unnecessary compromise;
- Spot and identify others’ negotiation (DEAL) styles and effectively communicate to create desired, durable outcomes;
- Develop meaningful relationships with key people to attract support for ideas; and
- Reach winning results with integrity and confidence.
Positively Negotiate Work Drama
How to Stop Complainers & Energy Drainers to Get More Done
Suggested Audience: Corporate, Government, Associations, Leaders, Sales Professionals, Service Providers, Tech Companies, Women, and more
Format: Keynote or Workshop

Constant complainers take up resources, time, and mental bandwidth in the workplace. When you change a culture of complainers to one of contributors, you boost morale, increase productivity, and promote effective communication. In short, you get more done with less drama. In this presentation, workplace communication expert Linda Swindling shares her expertise in negotiating tough situations at work and in life. Discover how to positively influence others to accomplish your purpose. Understand the reasons why people are creating drama so that you can diffuse conflicts and address problems productively. Linda uses scenarios, engaging questions, and original research to provide strategies that can be implemented immediately.
After attending, participants leave with strategies to:
- Identify and negotiate with specific types of energy drainers and complainers;
- Implement the #1 way to stop a Whiner;
- Maintain control of destructive conversations;
- Communicate powerfully with difficult people, including the Toxics;
- Self-assess to determine when you can be a Complainer and how to stop it;
- Learn concrete phrases to turn constant Complainers into productive Contributors; and
- Address disagreements successfully so everyone can get back to work.
Leadership is a Series of Negotiations
How Leaders Can Effectively Negotiate Anything from Big Deals to Workplace Drama
Suggested Audience: Leaders
Format: Keynote or Workshop
More than ever, leaders must know how to effectively negotiate in order to be successful. When you think about it, much of a professional’s day is spent negotiating: hammering out the terms of a deal, controlling costs, solving clients’ problems, and working with other departments. For some, negotiation can look like asking for additional headcount, mediating workplace drama, and negotiating change in the organization. For you, negotiation may mean influencing key decision makers and being recognized for the value you provide. Leadership is a constant negotiation.
In this presentation, Linda shows you how to become a better negotiator and leader through research-backed tactics and proven strategies that work in real life. From her experience in the courtroom and the boardroom, Linda inspires others to look at negotiations as a conversation rather than a confrontation. She equips high-performing leaders with the tools they need to help attract support for their ideas.
After attending, participants leave with strategies to:
- Harness the power of positive influence, persuasion and negotiation;
- Negotiate for the push and pull for resources while building win-win-win partnerships with stakeholders;
- Avoid over-committing and unnecessary compromise;
- Spot and identify others’ negotiation (DEAL) styles and effectively communicate to create desired, durable outcomes;
- Develop meaningful relationships with key people to attract support for ideas; and
- Reach winning results with integrity and confidence.
Winning with Ethics, Trust and Integrity
Suggested Audience: Leaders or all employees
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Also Available for Sales, Leaders or Women Who Lead
Let’s face it…working with honesty and integrity is everyone’s responsibility at every level…all the time!
When people help create or build a solution they think is “right” with people they trust, it is far more likely to be a solution that lasts and offers a bigger reach.
When you act with honesty and ethics, you drive winning results without driving others away. Daily choices of Wintegrity build your ability to face even the toughest trials. It takes intention, discipline, and sometimes courage. Determining the ethical course can be, by its very nature, difficult. Taking a stand and speaking out about or avoiding wrongdoing is not always easy but can make a significant difference in your organization and your life.
After attending, participants will leave with strategies to:
- Negotiate your daily decisions with integrity and certainty.
- Improve how you are perceived internally and externally.
- Confidently respond to tricks, negative tactics, and toxic personalities.
- Take a stand and speak out about wrongdoing. Say “no” to excuses and unacceptable behavior.
By committing to Wintegrity, you can have a positive and lasting impact on your organization’s culture, on your industry and, ultimately, on society.
Successfully Negotiate the Change You Didn’t Want
How to Adapt and Transform with Clarity & Confidence
Suggested Audience: All employees
Format: Keynote or Workshop
Have you ever planned a clear course of action and then discovered all your hard work is no longer relevant? Are you negotiating a change you chose or one that was thrust upon you? What would happen if you could adapt to change without the mental exhaustion?
Change is inevitable and arises from numerous sources. You may be experiencing new leadership, tackling a change in roles or position, losing members of your team, and/or tasked with transforming the way you do business. When you add personal challenges like illness, the death of a loved one, a divorce or even happy events like marriage and a baby, life can seem out of control. Whether the change was planned or a surprise, you often have more control and options than you think. Really.
After attending, participants leave with strategies to:
- Negotiate the learning curve and respond effectively to crisis, conflict and failure;
- Initiate, manage and champion change;
- Know the best questions to ASK when faced with a surprise or problem;
- Plan for anticipated situations and innovate when unanticipated issues occur;
- Encourage breakthroughs when others are breaking down;
- Let go of expectations of how it “should” be and embrace calculated risk-taking;
- Increase your tolerance for ambiguity and the unknown; and
- Influence others to commit even when the change is not fully defined.
High-Performance Programs
Continuing her belief that everything is a negotiation, and nearly everything can be negotiated, these high-performance programs are designed for leaders and high potentials to improve their ability to communicate powerfully, negotiate where appropriate and enhance influence internally and externally. From day one, this program helps leaders and emerging leaders connect, share best practices, identify obstacles and strategize on areas to drive positive change. Strong focus is placed on commitment, adaptability, presentation of ideas and executive presence as well as knowledge sharing among peers.
High-Performance Leadership Program
Each of the six training modules can be delivered separately during a day-long session. However, the high performance program is designed to build on the material and skills of the prior sessions. Dates are typically scheduled three to six weeks apart to allow time for application. Customization is available for teams to address the immediate concerns, objectives and needs of the leader, team and individual.
MODULE I – LAUNCH: Reach Your High-Performance Goals
How to Achieve Winning Results with Everyone on the Team
MODULE II: Communication and Influence
How to Adapt to Change with Clarity & Confidence
MODULE III: Negotiation Strategies to Drive High Performance
How to Harness the Power of Positive Influence, Persuasion & Negotiation
MODULE IV: Say It Right to Gain High Performance
How to Negotiate Work Drama and Converse with Confidence, Tact & Care
MODULE V: Executive Presence
How to Present with Power, Panache & Purpose
MODULE VI – WRAP UP: Set a Leadership Standard
How to Lead with Integrity, Credibility and Certainty
Looking for something different? Contact us and we can work with you to create a program that fits your needs.