Dealing with the End of the Year

Can you believe this year is nearly over? The presents are open. If your family is like mine, there will be remnants of the holidays all over the house until July 4th.

Instead of reading a long post full of insights, I’d like you to consider taking the moment to review the insights you received this year.
Answer these short questions about your year both personally and professionally:
What did you survive?
Where did you thrive?
What brought you joy and made you happy to be alive?
Reflecting on the past year before negotiating the next is a powerful activity. Give yourself the gift of reflecting on what you were dealt this year and how well you finished.
To help you reflect, you may want to download the Wrapping the End of the Year Activity. Save your responses. I’ll be sending out a tool to start the year strong in a week or so.
Review This Year so You Can Go Negotiate a Fantastic Year!