JOURNEY ON ® Professional Development Programs
Journey On! Negotiate Your Best Conference
What would it be like to leave a conference saying, “This was just what I needed” or “I met just the right people”? If your destination is to connect with powerful connections, enhanced networks and new opportunities, you will love this fun and engaging program which shows you how to tap into the power of the room.
Learn how to:
Be clear on who you need to meet, what you need to learn and what you need to avoid to maximize your results.
Take more calculated risks and safeguard against potential pitfalls.
Determine your best way around roadblocks, including negative people.
Create a mastermind to help you exceed a business goal, improve your career growth and take your next best step with assurance.
Journey On: Negotiate Your Breakthrough with the Power of Masterminding
Would your journey to success be smoother if you knew the destination you were headed and who had the knowledge to get you there? Would it be helpful if you could connect with peers who were committed to your personal and professional success?
The power of affiliation can be a strong contributor to success. Having supportive relationships with others who support your vision can make the difference between reaching objectives or not. Collaboration can encourage productivity, community, commitment and loyalty. It can also decrease levels of stress and tension. Collaborative goal setting and problem solving is preferred when buy-in from other stakeholders is important.
Learn to:
Collaborate in a way that adds time instead of wastes it.
Be clear about expectations and outcomes.
Create a board of advisors who understands you and your business needs.
Design a plan to implement solutions that works for you.
Understand how to help others reach their potential;
Discover the power of the Mastermind;
Connect in a way that others want to help you succeed;
Solve problems creatively and tap into the power in the room.
Help others reach their potential.
Understand how to take more calculated risks that minimize your worry.
Determine what you need and who you need to become to get it.
Journey On! How to Successfully Negotiate Any Change – Even Those You Don’t Want
Have you ever planned a clear course of action and then discovered all your hard work is no longer relevant? Are you negotiating a change you chose or one that was thrust upon you? What would happen if you could adapt to change without the mental exhaustion? Change is inevitable and arises from numerous sources. You may be experiencing new leadership, tackling a change in roles or position, losing members of your team, and/or tasked with transforming the way you do business. When you add personal challenges like illness, the death of a loved one, a divorce or even happy events like marriage and a baby, life can seem out of control. Whether the change was planned or a surprise, you often have more control and options than you think. Really.
Learn how to:
Negotiate the learning curve and avoid getting stuck in the messy middle.
Initiate, manage and champion change.
Cope and respond effectively to crisis, conflict and failure.
Know the best questions to ASK when you are faced with a surprising situation
Stretch your comfort zone and try unfamiliar skills
Create a vision and strategy to free yourself to handle challenges as they occur.
Plan for anticipated situations and areas of concern.
Encourage breakthroughs when others are breaking down.
Journey On: How to Negotiate Change and Transform with Clarity, Confidence & Success
This program is based on the one above but focused on helping high potentials, women, rising leaders, teams with change or take risks or be more confident.
Let go of expectations of how it “should” be.
Live in the question to be comfortable with the unknown
Increase your tolerance for ambiguity.
Become more comfortable learning in public.
Innovate, create and solve problems as they occur.
Embrace thinking designed to enhance calculated risk-taking.
Make more confident decisions.
Influence others to commit even when the change is not fully defined.
Linda’s Journey On Programs are supported by her Passport to Success Books.